Our Service
Damal attempts to create community awareness about the environment and its benefits
Achievements To-Date:
In 2010 DRDO built a school to extend educational services to the new settled community. The school was expanded throughout the years to include grades One to Seven. In addition, to combat some parental migration, especially during the drought seasons, the school was converted to a boarding school in 2016. As of 2018, the school has approximately 100 fully boarded-students with some Day-students. The students are taught & managed by four full time teachers.
In 2013, to supplement existing meager water resources, DRDO built a water
reservoir with 15,000 M3 capacity. This is a rain water surface impoundment with an impermeable plastic liner, wire fence, and a solar pump system. The importance of the reservoir became apparent during the last drought that devastated the horn of Africa from 2016-2017.
It was the primary source of water for people and livestock in the village and its surrounding area. Also, during this drought season the volunteers of DRDO collected from the urban communities 220.5 tons of food for distribution to 800 families in the village and its vicinity.